AKA Now Exclusively In America With Detector Power

The brand state-of-the-art AKA detectors are here to stay. If you don't know this amazing brand Russian metal detector yet, don't worry! Here we tell Detector Power you everything you need to know:

AKA, beginnings and vision

The company "АКА" was established in 1993 in Russia. Initially, the main activities of the company are the development and production of devices to search for buried treasures and detection for forensic companies, security, housing, and community services, currently holds more than 60 patents for their products.
In recent years, given the growing demand and user needs, the company pays more attention to the development of devices for archaeology and treasure hunting. As a result, AKA conducted research that found a number of technical solutions that improved the technology for manufacturing metal detectors.

Technology for treasure hunters                  

AKA was also the first company to use the mediated image method in world practice and attaches great importance to sensitivity and improved mineralization suppression algorithms.
In order to verify established algorithms and technical solutions in the company, a field test group was created, which is constantly testing metal detectors in the device field.

State of the art technology

The main original feature of all AKA metal detector models is an identification "hodgepodge" targets, which allows to define targets very easily and with an exact value. No other brand metal detector has such an identification.
In AKA, you can choose between 3 algorithms, which control the detector in different ways depending on the recovery speed and the targets desired ones. Each of the 3 algorithms called MSF, SSF, and MM have parameters that make them unique.
The SSF allows to escape from ferrous identification errors, the machine clearly identifies that the detected signal is iron.
MSF has an average recovery rate that easily rejects or identifies most plates, this fits most people.
MM, is very dynamic and is a fantastic algorithm for working on old sites with high iron contamination.

AKA in Detector Power

Now, the great news is that AKA has granted Detector Power its exclusive distribution in America, so you can get here the best options in treasure hunting technology. Here we recommend some of the AKA metal detectors for you to check:

Now that you know more about this fabulous brand you have more options to choose from metal detectors that we have in Detector Power, if you have any doubt about the type of detector you are looking for or tips to make your search write us now to the online chat we have attention in both English and Spanish!



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