Mega Detection Infinity Max Pro Metal Detector
- USD$12,900.00
Mega Detection Infinity Max Pro Metal Detector Infinity Max Pro is the most powerful metal detector and gold detector ever with the largest integrated set of search and scan tools that provides all metal search technologies in a comprehensive and integrated device that can be used in multiple detection applications including archaeological exploration,...
- Brand: Mega Detection
- Availability: In stock
Mega Detection Infinity Max Pro Metal Detector
Infinity Max Pro is the most powerful metal detector and gold detector ever with the largest integrated set of search and scan tools that provides all metal search technologies in a comprehensive and integrated device that can be used in multiple detection applications including archaeological exploration, natural gold detection and treasure detection at great depths plus underground cavities detection such as tunnels, caves and basements.
Infinity Max Pro device includes the latest developments and new improved technologies in metal detection from the German company Mega Detection, which have been integrated into the device through 12 diverse search systems to provide the best results for professional prospectors and treasure hunters.
Infinity Max Pro metal detector, through the device software available in 12 languages provides a rich user experience through wide options to adjust the search process and control its settings while watching the various visual indicators on the screen to ensure the best results before starting the excavation.
Infinity Max Pro Features
All Metal Detection Technologies in One Device
Infinity Max Pro is the most comprehensive and integrated device in terms of providing all the technologies for searching for minerals that were reached through a set of ground scan probes, sensors and search coils that provide the prospector with everything he needs to find and detect treasures and excavate antiquities.
Infinity Max Pro includes the following search tools:
It is the probe that is used to conduct a 3D ground scan of the ground area in search of metal targets and potential treasures, through included patented ground scan technology and includes the advantage of covering a larger area when scanning at each scan point through four built-in sensors, which guarantees the prospector shortening time and effort, and ensuring a more accurate result compared to point scanning probes.
IMTU (Intelligent Multi Transceiver Unit)
This probe is a unit whose mission is to send high-frequency electromagnetic waves in the direction in which the user is searching, these signals intersect with the electromagnetic fields emitted by the underground metal targets and turn into reflected signals that are received through the antennas, and the signal after processing is converted into digital signals.

VST (Vertical High Signal Transceiver)
It is a probe that picks up signals resulting from magnetic fields from various buried metal targets (precious such as gold and ferrous such as iron, for example). The probe is characterized by the presence of a quadrilateral cone at its end containing a rows of light buttons (LED) on two sides of it that illuminate in different colors according to the received signals and the nature of the target (example: the LEDs light up in red if the V.S.T probe passes over a metal target such as gold or copper).
The signals captured through the sensor are converted into digital signals that are processed and displayed on the device screen or the tablet screen in the form of a colored chart that reflects the nature and type of metal of the potential target.
Search Coils (PS50, PS36, PS28)
The device includes 3 different-sized search coils that work with improved pulse induction technology with a search system that matches each coil. The coils provide outstanding performance in various detection applications in search of targets of different size and depth of gold, jewelry and ancient coins.
12 Search System
Infiniti Max Pro is the first device in the world that was released that includes various search technologies through 12 diverse systems with detailed options and visual representation that ensures the prospector the most accurate results to detect all targets underground.
The device includes a long-range scanning technology to detect targets from a distance and to great depths through a special LRL systems, as well as a sophisticated 3d imaging ground scanning technology with visualization on the screen or through a special application on the tablet, plus improved pulse induction technology and unique ionic field detection technology.
The twelve search systems provide multiple ways to search for various types of metal targets and ancient and archaeological treasures at different and large depths. The appropriate search system can be used for the purpose of the search, more than one search system can be used to ensure the confirmation of the presence of targets and the accuracy of the results.
The device includes the following search systems:
1 – Ground Scan System
It is a powerful and accurate 3D imaging system and the first of its kind in Mega Detection devices. The deep scanning of the ground is performed through Multi Ground Scanner or M.G.S for short.
The scanner includes a relatively large scanning surface that ensures coverage of larger area of ground when perform scanning at each scanning point, thus making the scanning process faster for a large area compared to the point probes available in traditional ground scanners.
To conduct a ground scan, the process can be controlled and the results can be viewed either via the device screen or via any supported Android tablet through Multi Visual Analyzer app.
1 – In the case of choosing the first option (on the device), the device will provide, via its screen, the ability to adjust the scan settings according to the screens that appear sequentially, namely:
- Scanning Mode
Present how to perform the scanning process, either manually by recording each scan point manually or automatically by the device according to a specific time or a certain distance.
- Scanning Path
There are two options available, the first of which is a one-way (parallel) scanning line, including a spacing (usually 30 cm) or an alternating path, meaning that the next scan line starts at the end of the previous line while leaving a spacing.
- Width & Height
These values express the method for dividing the scan area to be scanned with MGS, as the area is theoretically divided into cells, the number depends on the number of Width (number of Scan Lines) and Height ( number of Scan Points in every line) . For example, in the case of choosing 4 for width and 5 for height, there will be 20 cells for the scan area.
- Start Point
It presents the point from which the scan is started, there are two options to start from the right (the lower right corner of the rectangular scanning area) or start from the left (the lower left corner)
After adjusting the previous settings, the results screen is displayed and includes a rectangular area divided into cells according to the scan lines (width) and scan points (height) previously specified, as each cell represents one scanning point, and with the scanning by the user, each cell is filled with a specific color according to the area that the scanner passes over, and each color has a specific indication, Example: The blue color represents a void, and the yellow color is a precious metal … etc.
The results screen also contains three rectangular indicators in three colors that express the percentage of the presence of each type of targets within the specified cell, and these indicators are: the red indicator indicates the proportion of ferrous (magnetic) metals – yellow indicates the percentage of precious metals (non-magnetic) – the blue the percentage of cavity.
A numeric value representing the target type is also displayed, and also the target depth value within the specified cell.
2 – In the case of tablet the search and scanning settings that were previously detailed are controlled similarly through Multi Visual Analyzer that enable to set same settings, the scanning is done via the M.G.S scanner and the scanning results are displayed on the tablet screen within the application, and here the scanning data is represented in the form of a 3D drawing. In multiple colors, the drawing expresses the structure of the scanned ground and its contents of different targets (minerals – natural ground – spaces and tunnels – gold boxes …) and each type has a different color similar to the above (blue for voids, yellow for metals …).
Multi Visual Analyzer gives the prospector more accurate possibilities to analyze the detected targets and know detailed information such as the metal type, depth and location within the scan area.
2 – Manual Long Range System / MANUAL LRL /
To use this system, the user must install the I.M.T.U as well as the antennas.
The manual system means the possibility of adjusting the long-range scanning settings manually according to the user’s preferences, before actually conducting the search.
Here are the settings that can be adjusted:
- Target Type (Metal)
The type of metal of the targets to be searched can be set from a list that includes search programs for all types of metals like: Gold – silver – copper – iron – diamonds – platinum – bronze …
- Front Scan Range (Distance)
It is the distance that expresses the maximum range that the device scans for different targets and can be set according to specific values within the range from 0 to 3000 meters (250 – 500 – 750 – 1000 – 1250 – 1500 – 1750 – 2000 – 2250 – 2500 – 2750 – 3000 m).
- Maximum Search Depth (Depth)
This value specifies the maximum depth to search for targets within it through the current search settings, and can be set in the 0 to 50 meters range.
After setting the previous options, the device searches for targets within the selected scanning field and depth, the search screen appear that displays a compass-shaped indicator whose pointer points to the direction of the device (north or south …) and also displays within the same screen a semicircular indicator that expresses the direction of movement of the two antennas, as the direction of the cursor changes according to their movement when searching.
Among the important features that allow the user to correctly adjust the angle of inclination of the device with respect to the horizon is the gradient tilt indicator on the right of the screen, the green color indicates the correct acceptable values and the red color for the wrong values of the inclination angle.
3 – Automatic Long-Range System / AUTO LRL /
The IMTU unit, as well as the antennas, are used to search for signals of potential targets within the scanning field.
The difference from the manual long-range system is that in the automatic system, the device performs a fully automatic scan in search of potential metal targets within the search range.
So, the user only has to choose the system from the list and the device will scan and update the data on the display screen automatically so that it includes automatically leading the user towards the target location, and the user can choose to show the following options from the screen (in the form of tabs):
- Target type
Here, the metal type of the buried target is shown as an example: Gold – silver – copper … etc.
- Distance
This value represents the estimated distance, i.e. the device’s distance from the possible target position, for example 30 – 50 meters
- Target Depth
It presents an approximate value of the depth of the detected target within the scanning area, for example 5 meters.
- Tracking Target (Direction)
It is an indicator displayed with a pointer indicating the possible direction that the user should follow to reach the target buried underground
4 – Control Long Range System[Custom Frequency] / CTRL LRL /
This system provides an unprecedented feature in long-range metal detectors as it enables the user to control the frequency of searching for different metals, i.e. allocating the frequency value accurately to detect a specific type of metal, for example gold – copper or any other metal alloys.
The user can adjust a set of related settings before performing the search process, namely:
- Soil Type
Soil type refers to the nature of the soil in the land being searched, and predetermined soil types can be chosen: Rocky soil – sandy soil – clay soil – moist soil …etc.
- Search frequency
Here, the search frequency value is precisely adjusted according to the type of metal to be found within a specific frequency range (the frequency value is measured in MHz)
- Distance
In addition to the frequency, the scan distance can be set in the forward direction by choosing a value from predefined values within the range 0 to 3000 meters (250 – 500 – 750 – 1000 – 1250 – 1500 – 1750 – 2000 – 2250 – 2500 – 2750 – 3000 m).
- Depth
To limit the search for targets within a specific search depth, the value is set here by choosing a value within the range between 0 to 50 meters.
After setting the previous settings, the user can start searching and the device will move to the target tracking screen, which includes the semicircular indicator that represents the direction of movement of the antennas (explained earlier).
5 – Ionic system / IONIC /
The Ionic System includes a completely new search technology to search for signals from ionic fields resulting from long-buried metal targets thanks to the previously mentioned IMTU.
This unit ensures receiving ionic field signals with greater accuracy, with the ability to control some signal settings to reach accurate results, and after capturing the signals, they are digitally processed inside the device.
After starting the search by the user, the following information is displayed on the screen:
- Signal strength indicator
This indicator is a bar graph with a gradient bar that varies in terms of length and color according to the strength of the captured signal related to the target distance, the nature of the terrain, and other factors.
- Signal Sensitivity Indicator
It is a circular indicator that displays the signal sensitivity as a percentage value, for example 60%, and this value can be changed by the user.
- Signal Gain Indicator
It is a circular indicator similar to the previous one that represents the signal strength according to a value represented as a percentage between 0 – 100% and can also be adjusted.
6 – Bionic System / BIONIC /
This search system is very similar to the Ionic Search System as it uses the same I.M.T.U for conducting searches and work in similar way.
But the difference here is that the search is directed according to predefined signals that are captured by directing the I.M.T.U towards a target made of a metal, for example gold or silver, and in this case the search unit will only capture similar signals and ignore other ion field signals.
In other words: in the ionic search system, the search is random and free to search for any kind of targets. In the bionic system, the search is directed according to predefined signals, and this is better and faster for the prospector.
Likewise, the search screen displays the same previous options:
- Signal Strength indicator
- Sensitivity Indicator
- Gain Indicator
It has the same functions that were explained in the ionic system.
7 – Live Stream System
This system is an advanced scanning system that measures the changes in magnetic fields via a high-vertical transmitter and receiver unit or V.S.T.
The sensor is moved after being installed vertically on the ground and the sensor picks up the signals of any metal target present under the ground, whether it is magnetic metal such as iron or precious metal such as gold and copper.
The probe contains at its conical end, on either side, a group of colored LED lights that change their lighting according to the type of target, as it lights up in red, for example in case of the target that the probe passes over it, is a precious metal, such as copper or gold.
The signals of the magnetic fields captured on the device screen can be represented directly in the form of a continuous color flow that changes color depending on the type of metal that the sensor passes over, where green represents normal soil, yellow color is metal and red color is gold.
The user can also choose to represent the signals on the bundled tablet through the installed application (android app), where it displays a changing color gradient similar to the chart on the screen with the same color legends.
8 – Pinpointer System /PINPOINTER/
This system is used to perform a fast, accurate and direct scan through the V.S.T, as it measures the changes in the magnetic field in a region and displays on the device screen a curve that is in the case of receiving metal signals consisting of rectangles facing upwards of different lengths gradient from green to red in the middle at the maximum values and then gradient green with lower values on both sides of the chart.
In the case of receiving signals of spaces – such as a tunnel or a basement – the curve consists of rectangles facing downward of varying lengths gradient from green to dark blue in the middle at maximum values, and then gradient towards green with lower values on both sides.
On the screen of the device, it is possible to control some values that affect the scanning process, such as the value of sensitivity and ground balance.
9 – Pulse Induction System / PULSE INDUCTION/
The pulse induction technology built into the device is a technology specially developed with better performance features to detect all kinds of ferrous metals such as iron and non-ferrous metal such as gold, silver and copper to relatively greater depths thanks to the PS50 search coil (Double D search coil, diameter 50 cm), which is suitable for detecting different targets such as coins and gold jewelry such as bracelets, rings, and even relatively large metal objects at a depth of about 2-3 meters.
The captured signals represent as curved shape of changing colors on the device screen, and through the color indications and accompanying audio feedback, the user can discriminate the type of target detected.
In this system, the following options can be set:
- Ground Balance
This option provides ground balancing according to the terrain in the search area, this is done by pressing the OK button once while keeping the PS50 search coil parallel to the ground until the process is complete, it is important to perform ground balancing before starting the search.
- Threshold
This option can control the audio threshold of the received signals, which can be set according to the user’s preference, either to hear the faintest of faint signals coming from very small targets or to ignore it to focus on hearing the signals of larger targets. The user can set the value between 1 and 6.
- Gain
This setting refers to the option that controls the sound volume of received signals, located at greater depths (deep, not shallow targets), which can be set within a range of values from 1 to 6, the higher number corresponding to higher volume.
- Sound
This option adjusts the tone of the sound settings, it is possible to choose between several levels of tone, and by changing them, the visual representation of the signals on the results screen changes.
The results screen displays a color-changing curve graph that changes according to the target the PS50 search coil passes over and the bottom of the graph displays two indicators that light up depending on the type of target detected (ferrous or non-ferrous).
10 – Smart Detect System / SMART DETECT/
Smart Detect system is an acoustic detection system via search coils (PS36 and PS28) with two detection modes corresponding to each coil, which provide high sensitivity to detect small metal targets such as small gold nuggets and coins at small depths.
The smart detection system has been developed with a unique detection technology in terms of features and discrimination between metals that guarantees the best performance in all types of terrain and soils with ease of switching to the appropriate mode for the size of the targets and the purpose of the search.
When performing a search using the smart detection system, there are two sub modes that correspond to each search coil:
1 – Mode1 / PS36
To use this mode, the PS36 search coil [oval-shaped coil with a diameter of 36 cm] is installed to detect metal targets, the device displays a screen that includes indicators and buttons through which the detection settings options can be set as follows:
- Calibration
By selecting this option, the user can perform a coil calibration before starting the search, to get more accurate results.
- Detection mode
The detection mode is selected by activating one of the three buttons corresponding to the detection mode:
1 – All Metal
It is a general detection mode, by activating it the device can receive signals from targets made of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.
2 – Non-Ferrous
By activating this detection mode, the device filters the signals to receive only the signals of non-ferrous metal targets such as gold, silver and copper, which means that the device ignores the signals of targets made of ferrous materials.
3 – Ferrous
This detection mode is opposite to the previous mode, where the device receives signals from ferrous targets only, such as iron, and ignores the signals of other metals.
- Sound
The sound that comes out through the internal speaker of the device is enabled by activating this option or not, and muting the sound is useful for the prospector in the event that he wants to know the type of target through the digital indicator on screen without hearing the sound, as is the case in places where there is noise or audio interference due to the terrain or soil type.
- Digital Target ID Indicator
It is a circular digital graphic indicator that displays in the center of the circle a number called the digital target identifier (or Target ID) corresponding to a specific type of metal such as gold, meaning there is a certain number that corresponds to the detection of a target of gold and so on.
On both sides of the circle there are two symmetrical semicircular indicators consisting of bars that are gradually colored from bottom to top according to the target signal strength and according to the preset detection mode.
In the case of all metal detection mode, the left semicircular indicator is activated only if the target is non-ferrous (like gold) and gradient with gradient colors from yellow to red, but in the case of a ferrous target, only the right indicator is activated and the color gradient is from green to blue.
In the case of non-ferrous metal detection mode, the two indicators are activated together with gradient colors from yellow to red (the number of enabled bars and their color depends on the strength of the captured signal).
In the case of ferrous metal detection, the two indicators are activated in gradual colors from green to blue, according to the signal strength.
- Acoustic Threshold
This option can control the audio threshold of the received signals, and the user can set it using a vertical indicator with values from 1 to 6, a higher threshold value corresponds to hearing weaker signals e.g. those coming from very small gold nuggets.
1 – Mode2 / PS28
To use this mode, the PS28 search coil [28 cm diameter search coil] is installed to detect smaller metal targets.
Two vertical indicators on the two sides of the screen and a graphical and digital indicators in the middle are displayed on the system results screen.
The following explains these indicators:
- Sensitivity
The indicator on the left of the screen determines the sensitivity level, and the user can set it to one of 9 levels. The higher the sensitivity value, the greater the sensitivity of the dial to detect smaller targets and vice versa.
- Threshold
It is a vertical indicator on the right side and determines the value of the audio threshold. The user can set it to one of 9 values. The higher the value, the greater the probability of hearing the signals of smaller targets, smaller values correspond to hearing the sound of larger targets.
- Graphical Signal Indicator
Indicator displayed in the middle of the screen, displays the Target ID number above and FE/NONFE indicators that are activated based on the type of metal detected (ferrous or non-ferrous), as well as a visual representation of the signal that displays a set of circles with increasing diameters from top to bottom that lights up depending on the signal strength of the target over which the coil passes.
11 – Geophysical System / GEOPHYSICAL /
The geophysical search system works on the principle of conducting a geo-electrical measurement of the value of the electrical resistance of the ground by planting a wedges in the ground and measuring the electrical resistance of the soil between the two points where the two wedges are planted.
The user can set the target type before starting the search as follows
- Target type
The type of target to be searched is selected from a list of targets that include: Gold – Bronze – Silver – Ground Water – Iron – Cavity – Copper
After choosing the type of target, the device pumps an electric current through the two wedges according to the chosen target and the soil resistance is measured in the search area and according to the measurement values, the results screen is displayed and there are two cases:
1 – Target Found
The results screen displays a 2D plot as a set of green to red ellipsoidal curves with a peak in the middle of the histogram corresponding to a certain value on the vertical axis corresponding to a percentage representing the probability of the target being in the area.
To the right of the 2D plot, it displays a set of information inside the rectangles that includes the following:
- Target: indicates the pre-set target type (gold for example).
- Value: refers to the value related to the measurement of electrical ground resistance
- Ratio: It is the percentage value of the target probability, and this ratio corresponds to the vertex of the upper ellipse on the curves.
2 – Target Not Found
In this case the above curves will not be plotted, a message will be displayed instead indicating that the target was not found.
In this case, the value of the value related to soil resistance and the value of the ratio will be equal to zero.
12 – Tunnel Scan System / TUNNEL SCAN /
This system uses a multi-sensor ground scanner probe to perform a detailed 3D ground scan but here with the focus on detecting cavities and underground structures such as tunnels, rooms, basements, shelters, caves, etc.
The device provides a two-dimensional visual representation on the display screen in the form of a grid according to the division of the search field and with a more accurate three-dimensional representation on any Android tablet computer via the Multi Visual Analyzer app.
The tunnel scan system is a special sub-mode of the ground scanning system to detect underground cavities only, so the settings and options for scanning in this system is identical with the settings in the ground scan system that were previously detailed, the only difference is that scanning metal targets is ignored and the display and imaging of underground cavities including tunnels, cellars and basements.
Display Search Results across Multiple Means
The Infinity Max Pro device provides the user with the best integrated system for displaying the results resulting from the various search technologies included within the device. This integrated system provides adequate and comprehensive information to the prospector about the nature of buried targets and all their details.
The results display system integrates sound, image and light to provide the best search experience for the prospector, this is done through the following methods:
High Resolution LCD Display
The main unit of the device includes a high-definition LCD color screen with a large size that secures a better view when adjusting various settings such as choosing the search system and ground scan settings and provides reading numbers and charts that clearly represent the results.
The color screen of the device provides a visual display of the results within the device program with useful information for the prospector, including the direction of the search and a report on the type of metal, for example in LRL systems, two-dimensional representation of the scan area and its contents in imaging systems, and a digital visual representation in pulse induction systems.
Android Tablet via Multi Visual Analyzer App
The device comes with a tablet computer running the Android system and the Multi Visual Analyzer app for 3D analysis is pre-installed on it to visually represent the results resulting from scanning in the imaging systems in the form of a multi-colored three-dimensional drawing (in the case of the Ground Scan system), which gives the prospector the possibility to analyze the data and know all the information about the detected targets, such as depth and exact location, through the tools it provides with an easy and simple interface that enables the prospector to analyze the drawing to obtain detailed information about all the targets within the scan area.
Built-in Speaker
All search systems available in the device provide audio feedback through audio tones that direct the user and give him an idea of the progress of the search process or give him an idea of the nature of the targets as in the systems of pulse induction and smart detection.
Example: In the Live Stream system, the device provide audio tones related to the type of target metal, and the sound intensity varies according to distance from the target.
Visual Feedback via LED Bars
The V.S.T probe which is used in the two search systems, PINPOINTER and LIVE STREAM, contains LED bars (with light emitting diodes (LED) buttons) that illuminate in a changing color according to the type of target that the probe passes over (ferrous metal, non-ferrous metal or space) and this provides the prospector with an idea of target type.
Easy To Use Multilingual Software
The device program is designed according to the latest standards of graphical user interface design and user experience with a modern, attractive and practical design that combines clear texts, expressive icons, harmonious colors, as well as animation.
The program provides an easy experience of use for beginners and professionals alike, where they can set various settings related to the search, such as search systems, search programs, depth field, and front distance in LRL systems, ground scan settings, and detection modes.
The program also provides a visual presentation of the search results for all search systems and their various options in a graphical form, charts and indicators, accompanied by the various sounds that are associated with choosing a specific button or navigating between settings and others.
One of the important features of the device program to provide access to the largest segment of prospectors around the world is its availability in 12 international languages representing the most widely spoken languages in the world (English – French – Chinese…).
External Battery
The power is supplied to the device via a 12-volt lithium-ion-polymer battery, which is rechargeable and designed with a special design in the form of an external box with an on and off button.
The battery guarantees a long time of use, and the operating time is related to several factors, including the search system, the search tools used, and the power saving settings available in the device software.
Package Contents
- System Box (Main Unit).
- Intelligent Multi Transceiver Unit (I.M.T.U).
- Multi Ground Scanner (M.G.S.60).
- Vertical High Signal Transceiver (V.S.T).
- Connector Base.
- Armrest & Shafts.
- Long-Range Antennas.
- Geophysical System Wedges.
- Geophysical System Cables Reel.
- Lithium-Ion Battery.
- Headphones.
- Accessories Box (Screws – Nuts – Battery Charger – Cables…).
- User Manual.
- Android Tablet (Optional).
Please check with your country's custom office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to buying.
** Detector Power is not responsible and does not accept returns for the incorrect handling of the equipment sold and can do not guarantee the customer the discovery of valuable treasures or metals if in the place of search there is really nothing. Detector Power guarantees that the devices detect efficiently as they are constantly evaluated by detectorists and manufacturers to provide the best results. We suggest our clients before making any purchase that analyzes the equipment well since they are high-end and very modern equipment that can not be returned.