What is the best coin relic metal detector?
Metal detection is one of the activities that has become popular in recent years, there are many buried treasures waiting to be discovered, but one of the most common types of search are coins and relics. Coins are easy to find, sometimes on a more superficial level, and their search is satisfying for coin collectors. It is also common to find some relics such as rings, necklaces, bracelets, and other small objects that often date back to very old times.
If you want to join the coin hunt but don't know which metal detector is right for this adventure, you're in the right place. We will explain how metal detection works for small objects and we will suggest some of the metal detectors that will best fit your search profile, so read full and we assure you that you can acquire the best metal detector for coin relic.
How does a metal detector work to find coins?
Metal detectors for finding coins have a small search coil and its pulse and frequency system set to detect small pieces of metal. Its mechanism is impressive and thanks to this we can find relics of coins in many places.
The search frequency determines all the objects that are not so deep, for this reason, searches with the right equipment can always be successful. If you want to know everything about how metal detectors work, we invite you to read our post about How do metal detectors work?
You will learn everything about the device and this will allow you to know how to handle it properly in any environment. And as a result, you will have great finds.
Top 3 metal detectors to find coins relic
We have a top 3 detectors on the market with really affordable prices, among our favorites is the Garrett and Minelab devices.
1.- Garrett ACE 400
If you want relic hunting the Garrett ACE 400 will be an excellent option, it works with a single frequency of 10 kHz that can easily be increased or decreased depending on the search objective.
At just 1.27 kg the ACE 400 stands out because there is almost nothing you cannot find with this device. The frequency machine makes it unique and can be used in freshwater, beaches, or in rocky areas. Since it has an excellent adaptation to ground conditions.
Its metal mode allows the user to know what they have been finding thanks to the fact that it emits a sensitive and sharp sound due to the pulse width modulation. And for the search for coins it is indicated thanks to the continuous coin depth indicator: Allows the determination of the depth target with the continuous coin depth indicator. Read more.
2.- Minelab X-Terra 705
The Minelab X-Terra offers the latest technology in the recovery of coins, relics, treasure hunting, and gold prospecting. It also includes a Pinpoint that will help you check the depth levels.
The user can have 3 different higher frequencies for all search modes. It has a ground balance track, which even eliminates all interference noises involving false signals.
The Minelab X-Terra works on the dry or wet sand and since it has the prospecting mode it allows you to find all treasures no matter if it is close to ferrous metals you will still be able to find it. It is also an excellent currency detector with highly accurate discrimination and numerical target identification.
3.- Garrett AT Max
The Garrett AT Max device is one of the most wanted by detectorists looking for coins because it allows them to carry out a complete search and in case they want to search for other objects, AT Max is the one for you.
Detects all kinds of metals. Use a high frequency which implies that it has an excellent range while also being able to find what you want, for example, coins, jewelry. It operates under a frequency of 13.6 kHz, which works in any type of soil since AT Max works in various conduit soils, salt water of the beach, land, and field.
Garrett's unique feature will simultaneously reduce the ground balance to a range of values to help overcome localized terrain variations. By reducing subtle ground responses, the automatic ground balance window softens the detector's audio with tone ids and allows the user to hear weak targets.
The Garrett AT Pro is another excellent device because it has ground mineral detection and will allow you to remove trash and focus on what you are really looking for.
At Power detector we know how incredible it is to look for coins and relics, that's why we want to give you another very useful tip. A key to success with metal detectors is the coil you use, remember that the smaller it is, the greater the depth range, but it will be more receptive to find small objects.
If you want to know which is the best search tool for your planned objective, we invite you to read this post, we talk about all types of search coils. Read more
Also, remember to ask permission if you are going to explore in places that are not allowed. Take all your tools and take care of the environment in which you are doing the search. At Detector Power we hope you have a successful search.
If you still do not have the appropriate metal detectors to carry out the expedition then buy it right now and if you have any doubts you can contact us on WhatsApp +1786-909-3320 or at our email Info@Detectorpower.Com