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Knowing Garrett Metal Detectors

All metal detectors on the market turn out to be of excellent quality, but each brand develops different equipment and gear for each type of searching, some are more conventional, others more specialized. This time we will dedicate this article about Garrett metal detectors, surely you have heard of this brand, since it is one of the best selling in the world. But how much do you know about Garrett metal detectors?

We invite you to read this article so you know everything about this brand and what makes it the favorite among all detectors.

How Garrett became known?

Garrett's industry has been around since 1963 when patriot Charles Garrett begins, in his garage, to develop an up-to-date idea of ​​ground search metal detectors, making him want to start his business the following year. In the late 1970s, he has already patented a special winding technique that outperforms him compared to the competition and makes the detection industry forever change.

Thanks to the gold rush, the detectors clamored for Garrett's detectorists because they were the ones with the highest rank capabilities starting their sale worldwide. This made the creator of the best metal detectors want to continue making ground search detectors as well as security detectors.

From the 1984 Olympics to the present day, Garrett's industry has provided security at each of these events, including at international airports that offer guides on how to improve security.

Although Charles Garrett passed away in 2015, the metal detecting industry continues to have a great legacy and have always been the best metal detectors on the market, being the best-selling brand for its ease of use and low cost.

Garret's Top 3 Detectors

Check out this list of the top 3 metal detectors that Garrett has created:

Garrett ACE 400

The metal detectors of the ACE line are those devices that with a fairly affordable price offer great options to detectorists.

The ACE detector is the second to come out of the renewal of the ACE line, it has 5 discrimination modes that allow you to find treasures in almost any type of soil because they adapt to its conditions with ground balance functions. It is completely waterproof and can go from one space to another in a matter of seconds giving the best finding ability, it has a search coil that helps to search for coins or large objects allowing you to determine its level of depth.In the pro mode of this detector you can configure it for each type of soil, automatic adjustments and many more functions.

Pro pointer

The existence of the pointer is an evolution in the detection of metals that allows the search to be channeled before starting to dig, it can dive up to 20 ft and know the precise location of its discovery. Once you have identified your target id, just place the pro-pointer and it will give the precise result through vibrations, with automatic adjustments and balances for all types of soil.

Garrett ATX Pro

The Garrett ATX Pro is one of the teams preferred by all metal detectorist. It is a whole machine in power that allows you greater reach with  ease in the search, being able to find gold and any small or large metal piece.

It has excellent resistance to extreme environments, and is one of those with a military grade Garrett hard case. And it has been created with excellent pulse induction technology that allows you to have an ideal range that is combined with advanced ground balance so you can find what you want.

This metal detector has a resistance to water to be submerged up to 3 meters and also, depending on its coils you will have a range of up to 1.3 meters deep. With this metal detector you will have perfect control of your adventures.

Garrett metal detector for beginners and specialists 

Garrett detectors have a wide variety of products on the market, they have always considered customer service first and that is why they have created detectors for both beginners and specialists in the field of metal detection. 

All products are resistant to the most hostile environments, easy to assemble and manipulate. That is why they have been the official detectors in many events and preferred by professional detectors and hobbyists.

They also have instructional videos on how to use the metal detector or how to configure it to do a certain search, all these videos are of utmost importance because it shows you all the functions that the detectors and how they work in various types of soil.

Currently, at Detector Power we have a wide range of Garrett products. Check out the Garrett product catalog.

If you are a beginner or have any questions, contact us at WhatsApp +1786-909-3320 or write us on our chat at www.detectorpower.com



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