Groundwater Detectors: Guaranteed Effectiveness With The Latest Technologies

The search for underground water goes back to ancestral origins: there have always been references to many techniques that have been used more or less effectively for centuries. But the truth is that since Moses (who was already looking for water with his Zahari stick in the sands of the Sinai desert) through the ideal shamans who practiced the art of resonance in the late nineteenth century, has run much, much water under the bridge.

Although these methods and knowledge may continue to be used in very unfavourable countries and contexts, today the water detectors as well as the metal detectors are no longer an inaccessible technology, either economically or in terms of the ease of acquiring them or receiving advice.

Although most people come closer to seeking more advice in relation to a treasure detector or a gold detector today we stop to learn a little more about the groundwater detectors.

Let's start by saying that groundwater is simply sub-surface water that completely saturates pores or cracks in soils and rocks. This water accumulates in what are known as aquifers, which are replenished with the filtration of rainfall, although it could also be done artificially by people.

While rocks are the most valuable clues of all when it comes to locating favorable conditions for groundwater development, the technology of these detectors, equipped with a device known as Geolocator, has marked a before and after in the level of success of these searches.

Synthetically, groundwater detectors use a geoelectrical measurement procedure capable of "reading" the resistivity of the soil, and based on that reading, the detector is capable of locating groundwater reservoirs, gravel, and level from those water reservoirs. It will also reveal the existence of cavities such as caves, tunnels, chambers, and the like.

In simple terms, this technology performs a kind of scanning, using a pair of electrodes that "injects" electrical energy into the underground ground, plus two others that measure the potential difference (voltage drop) at specific scanning points to calculate the final resistivity value.

There are many models; we invite you to write to us and give you advice in order to know better the benefits that could be obtained from any of them.




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