5 functions of the OKM Metal Detectors
Metal detecting has now become a very common activity, some do it as a hobby and others because they explore and discover relics or treasures because it has been part of their work environment. Brands that are constantly promoted leave many limitations for those advanced detectorists and researchers who hope to find something beyond a coin.
This time we will see everything about the “Ortungstechnik Krauβ und Muller” metal detectors or as it is better known: OKM. Where is this company from, who requires the devices they build, and the 5 best functions this brand has to offer in the field of metal detection?
About OKM
The localization technology company has been on the market for more than 20 years, it emerged in Germany in 1998 when two researchers decided to join forces and develop metal detectors at a professional level specialized in ground scanners. Since its existence, it has marked a before and after in the metal detection industry because they go one step beyond the conventional, by developing the first 3D ground scanner with extraordinary capabilities to know what is on the ground and what elements are They have found.
They have been in charge of presenting many 3D scanner metal detectors with different functions and technical details, which has been very useful both for the more specialized detectorists, as well as for police forces and others. Another of its most significant advances in the creation of the first App for Android smartphones to be used as a controller for the Earth scanner offering a 3D plane.
Currently, it is one of the most outstanding companies in Germany for the contributions and advances in the field of earth detection and exploration with metal detectors. It is a brand recognized worldwide and also certified by the excellent 3D plans it offers.
Who should purchase an OKM metal detector?
If you wonder who should have a metal detection and earth exploration equipment, we will tell you that the most suitable to handle this equipment are the metal detection specialists, this will depend on the object you want to find. Even military detection uses these metal detectors to provide all the elements they need to find elements of war, or the police to find people and others, to name an example.
Generally, these metal detectors have been used by geologists, and archaeologists, it is also common to see their use in the fields of construction, or in geotechnical engineering.
But, if yours is gold-seekers or treasure hunters and gold, these detectors can help you a lot, as long as you are a specialist or have prior knowledge, you can save hours of searching and digging without need because each of their devices provides the most information. precise on the objective to look for.
Top 5 most important functions of OKM metal detectors
Check out this list that we have prepared on the best qualities that OKM metal detectors have that makes it desirable for all detectorists.
1.- High-performance detection
These detectors are a geophysical detection instrument that allows locating from lost treasures to hidden structures, they are very useful to have an exact view of what is under the ground in a very simple way.
2.- Technology integration
The combination of the most advanced technology is what makes OKM a brand ahead of other lines of metal detectors because it provides accurate representation with high-quality 3D graphics that allows you to quickly remove non-target items.
The lines of detectors have a complete scanner that allows knowing what is under the ground and giving specific information about what is there from the depth, the position, and even determining what type of material is being exploited. In addition, it has sensors that allow you to visualize the earth no matter what environment it is in.
3- Ease of use:
The OKM devices are responsible for providing a fairly friendly interface and all the steps are easy to use. Similarly, on the official OKM website they offer tutorial videos for those who do not know how to use it, they also include material on activating the 3D graphics software.
4.- Customer service to achieve complete satisfaction:
So OKM concerned about its clients has developed various orientation programs as well as preparation of courses to properly handle metal detectors as well as explanations and interactive online classes.
5.- The best technology:
Few metal detectors that develop complete technology compare the OMK brand since 98 with a line of detectors called “Future series” and that characterizes this brand, because thanks to its technological methods the land are less affected and with it, the environment, while also fully satisfying the needs of its customers.
Now that you know a little more about OKM metal detectors, you will know that it is an excellent purchase option because you can easily achieve all the objectives that you set for yourself. Check all products here.
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